Creativity Makes The Mosaic Market Grow Against The Trend (Part 1)

"Although the building materials market has been affected by the economic environment in 2022, the industry still maintains a strong momentum of development because of the creativity of mosaic products," said Yang Ruihong October 18, 2022, who is the Secretary-General of the Masaiye Professional Committee of China Ceramic Industry Association and General Manager of China Mosaic Headquarters Base. It was revealed at the opening ceremony of the 2nd China (Foshan) International Mosaic Exhibition and the 2nd China Mosaic Culture Festival that the display area of this mosaic exhibition has increased by 10% compared with the previous one. Move-in under the stairs.

It is reported that the products exhibited in this mosaic exhibition include glass mosaics, ceramic mosaics, stone mosaics, etc. Due to the complete range, it has attracted international buyers and study groups from more than 30 countries and regions such as Italy, Britain, France, Germany, Taiwan, Hong Kong, etc.

The rapid development of the industry makes the booth tense. Foshan, the China Mosaic City, is currently the only professional mosaic market in the world. More than 40 well-known mosaic companies have settled in, and a mature international high-standard mosaic business platform has been formed. Mosaic Exhibition is currently the only professional mosaic exhibition in China and even in the world. Its inherent advantages of subdivided brands can target international professional buyers and other domestic buyers to the greatest extent.

Because mosaic products are rich in raw materials, have less pollution, and have various creative designs, the added value of products is increased.  Therefore, mosaic products are mainly targeted at domestic and foreign medium and high-end decoration markets. Due to the changes in the international and domestic economic environment, although the building materials market has been greatly affected this year, and even many building materials companies feel that the "cold winter" is coming, the mosaic market has grown against the trend. According to the preliminary statistics of the industry, the mosaic industry will maintain a growth rate of 20%-30% this year. The number of mosaic enterprises above the designated size in the country has also increased by more than 500 at present, and the output value of the entire industry is also more than 20 billion yuan.

(This news is translated from Chinese on

Post time: Apr-21-2023